Our Aim

Our aim at Design Consortium is to create ‘awesome’ spaces by balancing form, function with aesthetics and ambience. We design Spaces conducive to human comfort & natural environment. ‘Sustainable Living Spaces’ is our motto.
We believe in Building Meaningful Relationships, Positive Attitude and Accountability for our design solutions.
Design Consortium strives for the tradition of innovation.
We Design the Body to house the ‘Atma’………………… The Space
To reinforce this design philosophy we have strong team of consultants for structural, HVAC, Electrical & allied services. We have shortlisted vendors and contractors to add to our services.
We are equipped with all the agencies for civil & furniture works to undertake turnkey industrial, interiors, landscaping and renovations projects. Our expertise in refurbishment and renovation projects has added happy and satisfied clients to our portfolio.

Dr. Sujata Kodag
M. Arch (Environmental Architecture)
- 1994 – B.Arch-M.M College of Architecture, Pune.
- 2008- Master in Environmental Architecture From BNCA- Unversity of Pune.
- Member of Council of Architecture (CA/95/187000)
- Memberships
- Member of Indian Institute of Architects (IIA)
- Member of National entrepreneurship Network (NEN).
- Member of registered Engineers in Disaster Relief (REDR).
- Member of AFARM.
- Member of InHAP.